Split transaction categories and buckets
in progress
Allow a user to split transactions after they've been imported into DAS.
This won't include automatic splits as DAS does not know how much or what buckets to split from.
You spend $130 at Target, $90 is spent from your Groceries expense (and marked as groceries category), and $40 spent from your Gaming expense (and marked as entertainment category)
in progress
🔨 (👈 imagine that's a gavel)
I asked discord and this thread. And I'll go with DAS not making any assumptions.
Money will be taken/added to Free-to-Spend and users will get notified about their split being spent from Free-to-Spend.
Carrlos Boyd
Anthony: Good choice!
Coleman Crenshaw
Notification to ask for review and allow user to edit.
Carrlos Boyd
Coleman Crenshaw: But it has to go somewhere in the meantime.
Coleman Crenshaw
Carrlos Boyd: carry the split percentage, seems the most straightforward to the user, I guess.
Coleman Crenshaw
But I think I meant by notify and wait for edit, was to take it from free to spend in the meantime.
Say you split a transaction from Target.
$135.65 - bucket = Groceries
$59.99 - bucket = Entertainment #hogwartslegacy
$195.64 total
That transaction later gets updated to $150.00.. what would you expect DAS to do?
Scenario 2:
You split dinner
$65.66 - bucket = Eating Out
$23.65 - bucket = Friends that owe me money
$89.31 total
That transaction later gets updated to $105.48. What would you expect DAS to do?
possible answers..
- scale everything up/down by the percentages from pending -> posted
a. The total tx went up by 10%, take an additional 10% from each bucket to match the final amount
b. The total tx went down by 10%, deposit the 10% to each bucket to match the final amount
- add/take money from free-to-spend
- add/take money from free-to-spend and alert user of tx difference
- add/take from the bucket with the highest amount
- other suggestions???
Orange Ghost
Anthony: for example, the transaction was split into 2 chunks assigned to 2 categories, if you update the amount DAS can create a new chunk and mark it as an “unassigned” transaction for the user to categorize. This chunk can be + or - like other transactions.
Carrlos Boyd
Anthony: Add/take from FTS, alert user, allow to be adjusted if desired.
Anthony Soon? 0.o
Chris Lamothe
Throwing my vote in as well. I often buy multiple items from across expense categories from Amazon for example.
Hunter Eddington
This would help my expenses go back to normal! One upvote for me!
under review