🎄 Bucket Activity release
In the new version (
) of DAS Budget I've released new features to view activity within your budgets!The first major update is Funding Schedule Execution Summaries. Execution summaries will allow you to view explicitly which buckets are in-progress, funded, or failed for your history. You can view summaries from the
Funding Schedules
page, or on the edit page of any Funding Schedule.
The other major update is
Bucket Activity
. Paired with execution summaries, you can now view every movement going in and out of a bucket. This includes manual transfers, round-ups, transaction spending, credit card movements, etc. This will help users answer the most asked question: "What happened to my Free-to-Spend?"
. Free-to-Spend is calculated by your total Checking account balances minus expense balances minus goals balances. 
As allows, feel free to reach out to me in-app for any DAS questions!
Merry Christmas!
Anthony (while-loop)